
We broadcast 24 hours a day, seven days a week with a great choice of entertainment and below is just a selection of some of our shows!


A packed hour with three songs from a featured artist, a song in a foreign language and a cover version followed by the original of the same song.

Join Ken & Freddie weekdays from 4pm.

The Theme Show

Every week, Clifford Cooke plays a different theme to the music. Got an idea for a brilliant theme? Just let him know!

Join Clifford every Monday lunchtime at 12.

The Best of Rock

Trev Balneaves starts your afternoon with great music from the 60's through to the present day, including classic album tracks and vinyl from his very own 60's and 70's vinyl rock collection.

Join Trev every Thursday lunchtime at 12, repeated Wednesday's at 9pm.

The Bridge FM Request Show

This is the programme where you pick the music. Call direct to the studio on Dundee 496333, tell us what you want and we'll do the rest!

The Request Show is here Monday to Thursday from 7-9pm

Monday - with Robin Evans

Tuesday - with Ken Anton

Wednesday - with Paul Robertson

Thursday - with Audrey McGalliard